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Borrowing Books and Articles From Other Libraries

Blount Library provides Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service to Averett students, faculty, and staff. The Library receives articles from other Virginia libraries within 2-4 days, and books in 2-7 days. If an item is available only outside of Virginia, it may take up to 10 days.  You should, therefore, plan to give the library at least a few days to acquire something; if you need the item within a matter of hours, we are unlikely to be able to get it for you.

The easiest way to request an item is to find it in WorldCat (be sure to click the toggle to search "Libraries Worldwide"):

Then click the "Request this through Interlibrary Loan" button on the item itself:

Image of Request via ILL button

Be sure to enter your Averett University email address on the ILL request form, as articles are delivered electronically.

If you attend classes away from Danville, we will ship print materials to the address you provide on the ILL request form. If you attend classes in Danville, we will notify you to pick up print materials at the Information Desk in Blount Library.

Note: We are unable to borrow textbooks from other libraries.

Please help Averett honor the generosity of cooperating libraries by returning interlibrary loan materials when due and in the same condition in which you received them.


For questions or assistance, please email or call 434-791-5690.

Alternatively, you may use these forms to request ILL items

What type of resource do you want to borrow?