What are the operating hours for the Archives and Special Collections?
You may always come upstairs and knock on the door (room 303) during library hours. However, as the archivist has many other duties in addition, visits to the archives (especially for research) can only be guaranteed with an appointment. Faculty may feel free to schedule a meeting with an entire class, as the archives can comfortably seat 10-12 students. Contact Dr. Groskopf to schedule a visit.
Is the library handicapped accessible?
Yes. We have a ramp to reach the main door, and there is a key-operated elevator within the building (ask a librarian for assistance).
However, at present the new key-card security system is causing some miscommunication with the handicapped access button; the button often fails to open the doors when pressed. This answer will be updated when that situation is resolved but, until then, a librarian is happy to help open the door for you.
How do I access digital materials from off campus / outside the library?
Popular press periodicals and movies are on the racks in the center of the main floor.
I need a book or article that Blount Library doesn't own. Can you get it for me?
Depending on the material, we probably can. We borrow from and loan to other libraries via a system called Interlibrary Loan. Click here for advice on how to file an ILL request.