Plagiarism = using ideas and phrases of others as if they were your own, without attribution-- that is, without citing the sources on which you based your paper or presentation.
Many respected scholars have been embarrassed by charges of plagiarism due to sloppy note taking, inappropriate paraphrasing, or simply forgetting to list a citation or insert an "in text" reference. Don't let this happen to you! The consequences can be severe, including a failing grade, delayed graduation, or worse!
Online journals and scholarly web sites are so convenient to use, however, they make it all too tempting to copy and paste a snippet here and a paragraph there, often resulting in a hodge podge of disconnected information. You may even forget that the sentences you copied are not your own, but those of another author.
The best thing we have to say about plagiarism is Don't Do It!
Fortunately for us, Plagiarism's virtuous twin is Attribution.
Review guidelines in the next column to learn about Attribution, then work with your study group to identify instances in the "First Draft" of our sample essay where the author has failed to attribute her sources appropriately.
Averett professors require you to attribute sources (1) because attribution is fair and ethical, and (2) so people who read your work can view the sources you cite and decide whether they agree with your interpretation ... or simply learn more about the topic.
Use these guidelines to Attribute sources and Avoid Plagiarism in your papers and presentations: